Resources Tagged With: coronavirus

Learning Challenges, Behavior & Distance Learning [presentation] [video]

Adding distance to learning has created yet another barrier to learning for students with learning differences. Sometimes we see behavioral issues arise. Students become more frustrated because they are not able to keep up, or they need even more time to process. Learn more about understanding behavior and strategies to support your child during this challenging time. Read more ›

Coronavirus: The Possible Long-Term Mental Health Impacts

Covid-19 has increased anxiety for many of us, and experts warn a sizable minority could be left with mental health problems that outlast the pandemic. Read more ›

Coping with Constant Change & Uncertainty [presentation] [video]

It’s important to develop some coping strategies so that you can stay resilient during these anxiety-filled times. In this webinar, Patrice Crisostomo, PhD, Clinical Program Manager and Licensed Psychologist at CHC and Cara DiClemente, MA, Doctoral Psychology Intern at CHC relay some valuable strategies that you can use as you cope with the constant change and anxiety in your life right now. Read more ›

U.S. Department of Education Features Esther B. Clark Schools’ Back-to-School Success Story

The U.S. Department of Education has collected and published best practices and successful strategies employed by schools all over the country as they return America’s students to learning.

Jody Miller, Head of CHC’s Esther B. Clark Schools, contributed “How We Brought the Most Vulnerable Students Back to School,” in which she describes how she and her staff successfully transitioned EBC Schools’ students back to in-person learning this fall. Read more ›

How Teachers Can Help Students With Special Needs Navigate Distance Learning

Distance learning is challenging for many learners, but can be even more challenging for students with learning, attention, or social-emotional needs.

As educators and parents, we are tasked with an unprecedented challenge: Figuring out how to reach and teach diverse learners online. It’s not easy. But it’s critical for so many of our students. Read more ›

Supporting Social Emotional Learning at Home [presentation] [video]

As a parent right now you are working to support your child with distance learning, and you’re also realizing how important the social emotional piece of learning is. Learn about how important social emotional learning is and how you can best support your child at home. Read more ›

Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools — Online Training for Educators [web resource] [downloadable]

Schools play a significant role in supporting the health and well-being of children and youth, including those affected by traumatic experiences. In a trauma-sensitive school, all aspects of the educational environment—from workforce training to engagement with students and families to procedures and policies—are grounded in an understanding of trauma and its impact and are designed to promote resilience for all. Read more ›

Back-to-School Blues 3: How to Stay Balanced (When Your Head Is Spinning)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Theme three in our Back-to-School Blues series, how to stay balanced (when your head is spinning), is a lot harder than it sounds, and requires compassion and grace that may be in short-supply these days. Fortunately, our CHC experts are here to help! Read more ›

Back-to-School Blues 2: How to Empower Your Kids (to Control Their Own Distance Learning Destiny)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Theme two in our Back-to-School Blues series, how to empower your kids (to control their own distance learning destiny), tackles a concept that requires a bit of patience on the front-end for benefits that will last a lifetime. Read more ›

Back-to-School Blues 1: How to Set Up Your “Homeschool” (for Success)

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

Last year, on the first day of school, I could practically hear George Michael’s “Freedom” playing in my head; a welcome soundtrack as I bounded up the hill to a friend’s house for celebratory mimosas.

This year, after a summer of no camps, trips to grandma’s or childcare, Pink’s “Leave Me Alone” feels more apropos. I adore my kids with every ounce of my being but this togetherness is getting out of hand. Read more ›

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