Resources Tagged With: educator resource

Great Diverse Books For Your School, Library or Home [web resource] [downloadable]

A simple way to let students and families know that your school welcomes everyone is to integrate books into your curriculum that reflect the diversity of your classroom and the world.

Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, has created lists of currently available diverse books as a starting point. Each recommendation includes a brief summary and the grade and age-range the book is best suited for. Read more ›


Video Game Helps Kids Understand Experiences Of Peers On The Autism Spectrum

PrismAutism215A new game developed by Carnegie Mellon University students is helping elementary schoolers understand what life is like for kids on the autism spectrum.

Created by the university’s Entertainment Technology Center, Prism uses its animal characters as allegories for the challenges those with autism face. Read more ›


Using the Coach Approach to Connect & Empower Your Student [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

In this session for educators, executive function coach and consultant Vanessa Fasoli from Spark Focus explains how students’ executive function skills can be fostered through coaching techniques and strategies. Read more ›


Study: A Growth Mindset Helps Students Cope with Academic Setbacks

stressedteen195A new study finds that when students experience an academic setback such as a bad grade, the amount of cortisol—the so-called stress hormone—in their bodies typically spikes. For most students it drops back down to normal levels a day later, but for some it stays high. These students remain fixated on the setback and have difficulty moving forward. Read more ›


Six Strategies to Help Introverts Thrive at School and Feel Understood

introvert180In every classroom, teachers try to engage students who have a variety of temperaments: extroverts, introverts and ambiverts. They work with children who crave sensory stimulation and with those who are highly sensitive to noise and visual distraction.

While one temperament is not better than any other, introverted students are often “overlooked, undervalued and overstimulated in our schools,” said Heidi Kasevich, a 20-year teaching veteran and director of education for Quiet Revolution, an outgrowth of Susan Cain’s best-selling book on the power of introverts. Read more ›


Helping Students Tackle Dyslexia

childreading176Dyslexia affects every instructional task a student will face in school. We are a language-based society with deeply rooted traditions that rely on reading and writing. One in five students has a language-based learning disability, the most common of those being dyslexia. Fortunately, there is a window of opportunity to tackle and remedy dyslexia at an early age. Read more ›


Free Growth Mindset Resources for Educators [web resource]

PERTSlogo161Students from underserved communities graduate from high school and college at far lower rates than their advantaged peers, and these achievement gaps powerfully perpetuate longstanding socioeconomic inequalities.

Project for Education Research that Scales (PERTS) is an applied research center at Stanford University that helps educators apply evidence-based strategies to foster educational excellence and equity on a large scale. Read more ›


Score a Friend [web resource]

scoreafriend150Sarah Greichen came up with the idea for Score A Friend at age 13 when she wanted her twin brother, who has an autism spectrum disorder, to have the same opportunities she enjoyed as a teenager in school. She began a mission to ensure her brother – and students of all abilities – could build friendships and experience authentic inclusion at school and in communities. Read more ›


LGBT 101 [presentation] [video]

The following resources offer a brief overview of common LGBT terms and identities. Read more ›


EdRev Expo Workshop: Mindful Games & Activities: Developing a Mindfulness Practice for Students with Learning Differences [presentation]

“Mindfulness is a form of attention or awareness training that can be applied in any activity throughout the day- seeing, hearing, walking, eating, playing and homework. Its purpose is to increase self awareness, emotional balance, impulse control and overall focus.” (Mindful Schools 2013). In this session, middle school learning specialist Cori Maiden, M.S.Ed, and music teacher Cynthia Pistone, both from Charles Armstrong School, show how to practice these skills with students through mindful activities and games. Read more ›

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