Resources Tagged With: teen resource

Gender Spectrum [web resource]

Gender Spectrum is a nonprofit organization that helps to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens. Read more ›

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Bay Area Teens Share Their Experiences Struggling with Anxiety, Depression

teendepression 519For one week in the spring, KQED opens its airwaves to student-produced content from classrooms around the Bay Area in a segment called Youth Takeover. Read more ›

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EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Cultivating an Empowered Transition—An Integrative Approach to College Success [presentation]

College life requires young adults to have advanced self-awareness, self-regulation, and problem solving skills to handle the multitude of demands and tasks in their new setting. Presenter Jared Leaderman, PhD, introduces research-based approaches to build and solidify the skills that can empower students to creatively work through obstacles to reach their academic and personal goals. Read more ›

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EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: The College Support Services Buffet—Skills for Identifying and Using Services [presentation] [video]

Students transitioning from high school to post secondary education often struggle to disclose they have an LD and make use of college support services, resulting in educational derailment. Adam Lalor, PhD , and Tabitha Mancini, Director of Customer Relations and Outreach at LandMark College, discuss the types of support services available to students in college, frequent challenges faced by students with LDs seeking services, and what they can do prior to entering college to prepare to better access the support services available. Read more ›


Just a Thought: Teens’ Reflections on Anxiety and Depression [video]

In this panel discussion moderated by CHC’s Senior Engagement Manager for Community Connections, Christine Wang, teens share their thoughts and perspectives about anxiety and mental health. The discussion is followed by a Q & A session with the teen panelists. Read more ›


Stop Running (and other holiday tips for you and your teen)

written by Jenna Borrelli, LCSW, CHC

We are a society obsessed with running, and by running I don’t mean the physical activity of running, I mean running from one thing to the next, filling up our lives with countless activities, events, lists, other people, technology, and substances, so that we are rarely ever still and alone with ourselves. Read more ›


For Teens: Creating Your Personal Stress-Management Plan [downloadable]

resiliencestressmanagment230Resilience is the quality that allows you to “bounce back,” adapt, and persevere when you are faced with problems or challenges.  Becoming more emotionally resilient will help you manage hard times and stress.

The following 10-point plan was developed to help you manage stress.  None are quick fixes, but they will lead you toward a healthy and successful life. Read more ›

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The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy

Towerybookcover135Imagine you are 15 and texting someone you like. Twenty minutes go by without a response. What thoughts come into your mind?

This is a hypothetical scenario in Jacob Towery’s The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy, but it is no stretch to assume it is happening right now all over the country. If adolescents are not waiting for a text, they are checking their grades online or browsing social media. Emotional resilience is tested not weekly or daily, but multiple times a minute. Read more ›

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LGBTQ Teens & Depression [presentation] [video]

During this teen friendly session, CHC’s adolescent therapist, Jenna Borrelli, and transgender college/school counselor, Brad Ward look deeply into the issues surrounding gender, sexual orientation and non-binary identification–often leading to higher rates of depression and suicide compared to traditional cisgender teens. Read more ›


The GenderCool Project [web resource]

GenderCoolProject121The GenderCool Project is a national storytelling campaign that seeks to reach every corner of the country with positive and powerful stories about who transgender kids and their peer allies are rather than what they are.   build understanding through storytelling about the accomplishments of these remarkable young leaders. Read more ›

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