30 Days Of Mental Health Lessons Library [web resource] [downloadable]

These downloadable lessons from the TREP Project are a resource for educators to enhance student mental health literacy.

The TREP Project (Trauma Educational Responsive Practices) was launched in 2016 with a policy brief on the educational consequences of the chronic toxic stress of living in high crime communities. The TREP Project works to develop the individual and organizational capacity of educators and schools serving children growing up in neighborhoods that have high levels of toxic stress, such as violent crime, concentrated poverty, concentrated foster care involvement, and housing instability.

The lesson library is accessible for free. Users must create an account to view or download materials.

Note: If you are a school counselor supporting these efforts, please remember these lessons are not therapeutic.

See the website for additional resources, including a lesson on Supporting Students Through Feelings of Grief and Loss.

Source: Trauma Educational Responsive Practices | 30 Days Of Mental Health Lessons Library, https://trep-educator.thinkific.com/courses/30daysofmentalhealth | © Copyright TREP Educator 2023
Image by gpointstudio on Freepik
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