It’s important to know what your strengths are so you can use them in ways that help you, your friends and family at school and home.

written by Micaelia Randolph, EdD, MA
Educational Consultant

reviewed by Neilson Chan, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
There’s only one you! You are made up of a unique combination of gifts and challenges. It’s important to know what your strengths are so you can use them in ways that help you, your friends and family at school and home. Who knows? If you have a deep interest in something and learn as much as you can about it, you might even be able to change the world some day.
Strengths and Challenges Activities
Download Learning Differences & Me: Knowing My Strengths and Challenges to complete offline. Have fun with these three activities!
What are your strengths and interests?
Look at the list on the Knowing My Strengths and Challenges sheet and put a ✔️ by the things that interest you. Pick three of your very favorites and write or record a video with your thoughts about why you like these best.
What are you working on?
What do you wish you were better at? How can you get help for those? Put a ✔️ by the things you’re good at. Put an on the ones you’re working on.
Why would someone want to be your friend?
Draw a picture that portrays you and shows why someone would want to be your friend. Use another sheet of paper if you need to get all your ideas out!
This activity sheet is part of CHC’s Learning Differences Guide.
Download a PDF of Learning Differences & Me: Knowing My Strengths and Challenges. See CHC’s Learning Differences Guide for more on this topic.
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