When books contain experiences and characters to which children can relate, they foster a positive self-concept and respect for diversity. This collection of children’s books curated by Anti-Defamation League address issues of identity, bias and bullying. Featured books come with discussion guides for teachers and parents.
The 800+ recommended books can be filtered by topic (see the topic list below) or keyword. Each title in the collection includes a description, the age group for which the book was written, and purchasing information.
- Ability, Disability & Ableism
- Bias, Discrimination & Hate
- Bullying Awareness & Prevention
- Gender & Sexism
- Genocide & Holocaust
- Jewish Culture & Anti-Semitism
- LGBTQ People & Homophobia/Heterosexism
- People, Identity & Culture
- Race & Racism
- Religion & Religious Bigotry
- Social Justice
Looking for more? Visit ADL’s
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Anti-Defamation League is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit. Learn more about ADL and their mission.
If you are a parent or caregiver and would like to schedule an evaluation or get advice about your child’s challenges, call or email a CHC Care Manager at 650.688.3625 or careteam@testing.chconline.org
CHC offers free community education sessions for educators. Join us to learn practical teaching strategies you can use in your classroom to help more kids reach their promise and potential. Educator sessions are led by experienced educator/clinician teams from Sand Hill School and CHC.