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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Anxiety & Depression

Help Your Children Cope with Traumatic Events

News about catastrophic events, natural disasters, crime reports, and terrorist threats can have a profound emotional impact on children. Younger children, especially, are vulnerable in the wake of traumatic events and may experience stress, anxiety and increased fearfulness long after Read more >>

Eating Disorders Resource Center [web resource]

While eating disorders can affect people of all ages, teens and young adults are often most susceptible. In addition to biological and psychological risk factors, middle and high school students are highly influenced by peer pressure, the thin ideal set Read more >>

Talking with Your Children About Stress

According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) annual Stress in America survey, many Americans — both adults and youth — report experiencing significant stress. While some stress is part of everyday life and sometimes helps motivate us to take action, Read more >>

Talking to Teens: Suicide Prevention

Suicide is a difficult topic, but it’s too important to ignore. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24. Despite a common belief that only teens and adults die by suicide, younger children Read more >>

Why Colleges Are Looking Online for Mental Health Care

More college students are seeking mental health counseling, stressing institutions’ already-strapped services. Visits to campus counseling centers climbed 30% to 40% between the fall of 2009 and the spring of 2015, according to the Center for Collegiate Mental Health. Enrollment, meanwhile, Read more >>