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CHC Resource Library

Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Anxiety & Depression

Ditch the Label [web resource]

Ditch the Label is an international  anti-bullying organization that provides support to young people aged 12-25, primarily through online partnerships. They also work with schools, colleges, parents/guardians, young people and other youth organizations. According to Ditch the Label, statistically, 7 Read more >> [web resource]

A project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Loveisrespect is a safe, inclusive space for young people to access information and get help in an environment that is designed specifically for them, and to provide information and support to concerned friends and Read more >> [web resource] was created in 2002 by the Office on Women’s Health, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. is committed to empowering girls to create strong, positive relationships and happy, healthy futures by providing girls Read more >>

PACER Center [web resource]

PACER Center is a non-profit parent training and information center for families of children and youth with all disabilities from birth to young adults. Located in Minneapolis, it serves families across the nation.  Read more >>

Mental Health America [web resource]

Mental Health America (MHA), founded in 1909, is a community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. MHA promotes mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including Read more >>