Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Emergent Bilingual Students: Shifting to An Asset Model of Instruction

For years, ELL students have been regarded as students who come with a deficit, or gaps, in their knowledge. The assumption is that these students must be taught English in order to assimilate into our culture and ultimately be successful in school. On the other hand, to regard these students as “emergent bilingual,” suggests that there is value in their native language and cultural background, in addition to other contributions they bring to the classroom. Read more ›

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning [downloadable]

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning from Education Development Center (EDC) draws on current research into how children learn, giving educators promising practices for supporting the diverse needs of young learners. Read more ›

Mental Health Resources for the Latino Community

Latino communities often struggle to find quality care. Fortunately, there are a number of organizations that offer care and support to those in the Latino community. Read more ›

Defining LGBTQ Terms and Concepts

This guide produced by the Annie E. Casey Foundation defines some com­mon terms — and pro­motes the use of accu­rate, authen­tic and inclu­sive lan­guage — to bet­ter equip adults to sup­port LGBTQ youth, serve as their advo­cates and help them thrive. Read more ›

How to Be Outraged: A Flowchart for Sustainable Social Activism [downloadable]

When news breaks about troubling injustices, oppressive shifts in government, or court rulings that seem unthinkable, it’s normal to feel extremely angry. Anger, like no other emotion, can move us toward action. Read more ›

Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Vicarious Trauma [downloadable]

In the simplest terms: burnout occurs when the stress we experience exceeds our capacity to cope with that stress. Some individuals may be able to thrive – at least in the short term – under high stress. However, chronic stress without relief eventually begins to take a toll on even the most resilient individuals. Read more ›

The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain

From ADHD and dyslexia to autism, the number of diagnosis categories listed by the American Psychiatric Association has tripled in the last fifty years. With so many people affected, it is time to revisit our perceptions of people with disabilities. Read more ›

Every Student Matters: Cultivating Belonging in the Classroom

Belonging in the classroom means ensuring that all students feel welcomed, comfortable, and part of the school family.

Elementary school educator Michael Dunlea teaches in an inclusion classroom where many students have learning differences that can pose a challenge to connecting with others. Building a culture of belonging has become his greatest priority. Read more ›

Book: Normal Sucks—How to Live, Learn, and Thrive, Outside the Lines

In his book Normal Sucks,  Jonathan Mooney, a neurodiverse writer, advocate, and father, offers the radical message that we should stop trying to fix people and start empowering them to succeed.
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