Debunking the Myths about Dyslexia
Dyslexia Help, an online resource produced by the University of Michigan, addresses some of the popular misconceptions and myths surrounding dyslexia and language-based learning disabilities. Read more >>
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Debunking the Myths about Dyslexia
Dyslexia Help, an online resource produced by the University of Michigan, addresses some of the popular misconceptions and myths surrounding dyslexia and language-based learning disabilities. Read more >>
7 Warning Signs Your Child Is Struggling in School
Something isn’t right; lately your child seems less than enthusiastic about school. They appear withdrawn and have started complaining about an upset stomach every Sunday evening. But are they struggling in school or could it be something else? Read more >>
Why Kids Who Learn and Think Differently Might Feel Lonely
But research shows that kids who learn and think differently are more likely than their peers to struggle with loneliness. And they often have a harder time dealing with those feelings when they have them. Read more >>
Supporting the Emotional Needs of Kids With Learning Disabilities
When kids are diagnosed with a learning disability we naturally worry about how it will affect their school performance. What we often don’t think about, but should, is how having a learning disability may affect children emotionally. Read more >>
Parenting Bright Kids Who Struggle in School guides parents through the challenging and often unfamiliar landscape of raising kids who have been labeled with learning differences, including dyslexia, ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder, and more. Read more >>
The Autism/ADHD Podcast [web resource]
Children with ADHD and Autism often require a different approach. In the Autism/ADHD podcast series, behavior expert Holly Blanc Moses shares her strategies to help children diagnosed with autism and ADHD effectively improve their behavior, emotional health, social skills, and Read more >>
Speech and Language Milestones [downloadable]
Children vary in their development of speech and language skills. However, they follow a natural progression or timetable for mastering the skills of language. A checklist of milestones for the normal development of speech and language skills in children from Read more >>
As Children’s ADHD Diagnoses Rise, Parents Discover They Have It, Too
When her son Jake was diagnosed with ADHD at age 11, it didn’t occur to Cary Colleran that she may have the condition as well. It didn’t occur to her that the appointments she forgot, the permission slips left on Read more >>
100 Best Disability Blogs and Websites [web resource]
Are you looking for information on disabilities? Feedspot’s top 100 disability blogs and websites are curated from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness. Read more >>
Does Your Child Struggle With Math? Dyscalculia Could Be the Reason. [downloadable]
Dyscalculia (dis-kal-KYOO-lee-uh) is not as well known as dyslexia, but both are learning disabilities. Read more >>
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1765 E Bayshore Rd, East Palo Alto, CA 94303