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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Mental Health & Wellness

Six Tips for Explaining War to Children

In an ever-changing world, parents and educators are too often faced with explaining complex and challenging events to children. And perhaps nothing is more difficult to explain than violence, particularly war and armed conflict. Read more >>

Embracing My ADHD

In a world where ADHD is often overshadowed by its challenges, this episode offers a refreshing perspective that focuses on uncovering its strengths. Listen to this Voices of Compassion podcast for an insightful conversation with Ross Loofbourrow, a millennial who Read more >>

The ‘Silent Epidemic’ of Eating Disorders

Researchers who study eating disorders sometimes call them the silent epidemic. Despite the stereotype that these disorders afflict only young white women, the truth is that they occur among people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, races, shapes, and sizes. Read more >>