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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Effective Parenting

5 Tips for Picking a Parenting Book

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. Children are at once joyful, sad, confusing, predictable, generous, selfish, gentle and mean. What’s a parent to do when faced with such perplexing offspring? Given the complex interactions of parent, child and surroundings, parents Read more >>

Book: The Parent Compass

Many parents don’t know how best to support their teens, especially when everyone around them seems to be frantically tutoring, managing, and helicoptering. The Parent Compass provides guidance on what parents’ roles should be in supporting their teens’ mental health Read more >>

Parenting Skills: Tips for Raising Teens

Adolescence can be a confusing time of change for teens and parents alike. But while these years can be difficult, there’s plenty you can do to nurture your teen and encourage responsible behavior. Use these parenting skills to deal with Read more >>

Parenting with C.A.L.M.

Parenting a teen is filled with challenges and joys.  In this podcast, Dr. Joan Baran, Clinical Director at CHC, discusses parenting with C.A.L.M. – an adaptable technique you can use today! Read more >>