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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning


What to Ask When Your Teen Wants to Use Social Media

First, we know from our own social media that the experience isn’t always great. How are kids supposed to deal with insensitive posts, sketchy people, privacy problems, and even FOMO—when supposedly mature grown-ups can’t even be trusted to behave appropriately? Read more >>

When Erratic Teenage Behavior Means Something More

Mary Rose O’Leary has shepherded three children into adulthood, and teaches art and music to middle-school students. Despite her extensive personal and professional experience with teens, the Eagle Rock, Calif., resident admits she’s often perplexed by their behavior. Read more >>

When Teens Cyberbully Themselves

During the stressful teen years, most adolescents experience emotional highs and lows, but for more than 20 percent of teenagers, their worries and sad feelings turn into something more serious, like anxiety or depression. Studies show that 13 percent to Read more >>

The Ups and Downs of Social Media

A study finds that teenagers report feeling all kinds of positive and negative emotions when describing the same social media experiences — posting selfies, Snapchatting, browsing videos — but the majority rate their overall experiences as positive. Read more >>

LGBTQ Teens & Depression [presentation]

During this teen friendly session, CHC’s adolescent therapist, Jenna Borrelli, and transgender college/school counselor, Brad Ward look deeply into the issues surrounding gender, sexual orientation and non-binary identification–often leading to higher rates of depression and suicide compared to traditional cisgender Read more >>

The GenderCool Project [web resource]

The GenderCool Project is a national storytelling campaign that seeks to reach every corner of the country with positive and powerful stories about who transgender kids and their peer allies are rather than what they are.   build understanding through storytelling Read more >>