Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support and information via a medium people already use and trust: text. Want to bring Crisis Text Line to your community, school, or workplace? Crisis Text Line has create a Spread the Word Toolkit.
Spread the Word
The Spread the Word Toolkit includes the strategies and marketing tips for schools in following areas:
- Web
- On-the-Ground
- Policies
Download a PDF of these tips to use at your school (most are applicable to high schools and higher education institutions).
Source: Crisis Text Line | Spread the Word Toolkit, | © 2013-2019 Crisis Text Line
Stress and Crisis Resources
For immediate assistance, the following resources are available 24/7 unless otherwise noted:
- Dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room or urgent care
- Crisis Text Line: Text BAY to 741741 (Anyone can send a message! Kids, teens, and adults)
- Star Vista’s Crisis Hotline: 650.579.0350
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255
- Uplift Mobile Crisis Team: (408) 379-9085 / toll-free (877) 412-7474
- Alum Rock Mobile Crisis: 408.294.0579
- Lifeline Crisis Chat:
- OnYourMind Teen Chat (M-Th, 4:30-9:30 pm):
A screening can help you determine if you or someone you care about should contact a mental health professional. Care Coordinators can arrange a free 30 minute Care Consultation so you can explore options with an expert. Call or email our Care Coordinators at 650.688.3625 or to set up an initial Consultation appointment.