Students from underserved communities graduate from high school and college at far lower rates than their advantaged peers, and these achievement gaps powerfully perpetuate longstanding socioeconomic inequalities.
Project for Education Research that Scales (PERTS) is an applied research center at Stanford University that helps educators apply evidence-based strategies to foster educational excellence and equity on a large scale.
PERTS believes properly scaling educational research can empower schools to reduce inequality and create better experiences for students and teachers. Explore some of the products, papers, partners, and some useful links that are related to PERTS’ research and work.
You may also want to read the PERTS blog for the latest news and research involving adaptive learning mindsets, and get perspective and guidance from psychology experts.
Free Growth Mindset Program for 9th Graders
Many students hold debilitating beliefs about their intelligence. They believe things like, “I’m not smart enough” or “This subject just isn’t for me.” These beliefs can be especially damaging during the academically and socially challenging transition to high school.
Growth Mindset for 9th Graders is an evidence-based program designed to increase students’ engagement, motivation, and ultimately success by laying the foundation for a growth mindset. The program is delivered in two 30-minute sessions and includes survey questions, short reading passages, and brief reflection exercises.
Interested in research? The PERTS team has produced several groundbreaking research papers in the field of psychology. Read selected research articles.