It’s important children with learning differences to take time to recognize and celebrate their strengths.

written by Micaelia Randolph, EdD, MA
Educational Consultant

reviewed by Neilson Chan, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
For children with learning differences, a lot of time is devoted to academics. Of course, this is very important. It’s also very important to recognize and encourage strengths and interests and spend some time with those as well.
Download Learning Differences and Me: My Perfect Day for your child to complete offline.
My Perfect Day
Ask your child to write down or draw or make a video that tells how they would spend a perfect day.
What would they do and who would they do it with? Where would it be? What would they eat? What would they see? You know your child best and probably know what they’re good at, but sometimes it’s fun to just take some time to celebrate. You might both learn some things.
Download a copy of Learning Differences and Me: My Perfect Day.
View CHC’s Learning Differences Guide to learn more about this topic.
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