Mental Health Primers for Teachers [downloadable] [web resource]
These mental health primers, developed by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education, provide information for classroom teachers to help them identify behaviors in the classroom that are symptomatic of mental health and other psychological issues, with the goal of directing teachers to appropriate resources for the students.
The intent of the primers is not for teachers themselves to treat students, but for teachers to recognize behaviors and provide tangible resources for the students as needed.
Students Experiencing Race-based Hate
Teachers are encouraged to be change agents as opposed to passive bystanders when they encounter race-based hate speech.
Teachers play an important role in guiding students suffering from excessive stress to professionals in the building who can be of assistance.
Teachers can assist students who are expressing sadness by providing emotional support, promoting positive peer relationships, and connecting students with other professionals.
Students Experiencing Low Self-esteem or Low Perceptions of Competence
Teachers can help students who are not confident in themselves or who are afraid to make a mistake to build their feelings of confidence.
Students Experiencing Inattention and Distractibility
Inattention and distractibility may be distressing to teachers, but teachers can play an effective role in helping students focus and when necessary refer students to professionals.
Students Who Have Experienced a Crisis
Teachers can help students who have experienced a crisis such as a natural disaster, loss of a close family member, or witnessing violence.
Students Experiencing Bullying
Teachers are critical contributors to promoting safe school interactions and promoting positive relationships.
Students Exploring Gender Identity
Teachers are critical in establishing welcoming and safe environments, setting expectations for student interactions, and modeling inclusive language, which continues to evolve over time.
Teachers play a critical role in guiding students suffering from trauma which if left unaddressed can disrupt a student’s behavior, and emotional wellbeing, academic success and health.
The Mental Health Primers are developed by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education. This resource was updated in October 2021 with support from cooperative agreement NU87PS004366 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Source: American Psychological Association | Mental Health Primers, | © 2022 American Psychological Association. Last revised 2021.
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