Neurodiversity highlights the richness of human differences. These scholarships help break down barriers to education and empower neurodiverse individuals to achieve their academic and personal goals.
Please note that the availability and criteria of these scholarships may have changed, and new opportunities may have emerged. We encourage you to visit the official websites of these organizations or contact them directly to get the most up-to-date information on neurodiversity scholarships.
Organization for Autism Research (OAR)
The Organization for Autism Research (OAR) Scholarship Program awards $3,000 scholarships to students across the autism spectrum. OAR invites applications from persons with an autism diagnosis (DSM-IV or later criteria) pursuing full-time, post-secondary, education in any of the following: four-year undergraduate college or university, two-year undergraduate college, trade school, technical school, vocational school, or cooperative life skills program.
OAR offers three different scholarships. See this guide to learn about the differences among the three scholarships and decide which scholarship you would like to apply to.
Synchrony Tech Scholarship
The Synchrony Tech Scholarship supports autistic adults interested in obtaining technology-related certifications to pursue or advance their careers. This includes the following areas: cybersecurity, game/app development, web development, machine learning, data analytics, cloud computing, ethical hacking, and artificial intelligence. Programs must be completed through an accredited university or program. Third-party vendor certificates (i.e., Coursera, etc.) and 2 or 4-year degree programs will not be accepted.
Schwallie Family Scholarship
The Schwallie Family Scholarship supports students attending two- or four-year undergraduate colleges. The majority of Schwallie applicants attend or plan to attend four-year undergraduate colleges.
Schwallie applicants attending two-year undergraduate degree programs are often students who intend to transfer to a four-year undergraduate program in the future. Many applicants with a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome choose to apply for this program.

If you have had the benefit of accommodations through an IEP or 504 plan, you may be wondering if your accommodations transfer to college. Check out our video for the answer!

Lisa Higgins Hussman Scholarship
The Lisa Higgins Hussman Scholarship supports students attending two-year undergraduate colleges, life skills or postsecondary programs, or vocational, technical, or trade schools.
Hussman applicants typically make up the pool of talented students who face daily challenges related to autism and attend programs that assist in skill-building, job-readiness, and other transition-related skills.
The Neurodiversity Scholarship
The Neurodiversity Scholarship supports neurodivergent young people 16-26 years old, including those who identify with learning differences like dyslexia, ADHD, and other conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, as they pursue their academic and career goals.
The Google Lime Scholarship
For the Google Lime Scholarship, Google has partnered with Lime Connect, a nonprofit organization that supports full-time university students with disabilities working toward their academic goals in the field of computer science or a degree in a closely related technical field.
Wells Fargo Scholarship Program for People with Disabilities
The Wells Fargo Scholarship Program for People with Disabilities is designed to help students pursue the education or training they need to succeed in their chosen career path.
Applicants must have an identified disability (Defined as someone who has, or considers themselves to have, a long-term or recurring condition that impacts one or more major life activity.) Applicants must also be high school seniors, high school graduates or college undergraduates who plan to enroll in full- or half-time undergraduate study at an accredited United States two- or four-year college or university for the upcoming academic year.
The program will award renewable scholarships up to $2,500 for full-time students and renewable scholarships up to $1,250 for half-time students.
BMO Capital Markets Equity Through Education Scholarship
The BMO Capital Markets Equity Through Education Scholarship is designed for undergraduate and graduate full-time students with disabilities interested in a career in Financial Services with a focus on Capital Markets. Students who are pursuing a degree in business/commerce, computer science, engineering, math, physics, statistics, or a related discipline are encouraged to apply.
P. Buckley Moss Foundation Scholarship
The P. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship provides up to $1,000.00 financial award annually to one graduating high school senior who plans a career in the visual arts. Awards are sent directly to the college to be applied towards tuition.
The scholarship may be renewed for up to three consecutive years based on eligibility. The amount of the award may vary from year to year. Applicants must have a verified language-related learning difference.
The Nicholas Costa Undergraduate Scholarship
The Nicholas Costa Undergraduate Scholarship is open to undergraduate students with ADHD. You must be enrolled full-time at any accredited US college or university, have a minimum 2.9 GPA and be a US citizen in order to be eligible for this award.
Marion Huber Learning Through Listening for High School Seniors
Each year, the Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Awards are presented to Learning Ally high school senior members with learning disabilities, who plan to continue their education after graduation, in recognition of their academic achievement, outstanding leadership, and service to others.
Marion Huber was a long-term and loyal donor to Learning Ally, formerly RFB&D, who was particularly committed to the expanded mission of engaging students with learning disabilities. She observed the power of “learning through listening” to transform lives, and it was for this reason that she made an endowed gift to fund an award for students with dyslexia and other disabilities that prevent effective reading.
Lime Connect Pathways Scholarship for High School Seniors
The Lime Connect Pathways Scholarship is designed for current high school seniors with disabilities who are pursuing a degree at a four-year university or college in either the U.S. or Canada.
Anne Ford Scholarship for High School Seniors
The Anne Ford Scholarship is a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500/year over four years) granted to a graduating high school senior who will enroll in a full-time bachelor’s degree program in the fall. Students must have a documented learning disability (LD). Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who also have a learning disability are encouraged to apply.
Allegra Ford-Thomas Scholarship for High School Seniors
The Allegra Ford-Thomas Scholarship is a $5,000 scholarship awarded over two years ($2,500 each year) to a graduating high school senior who will enroll in a two-year community college, a vocational or technical training program, or a specialized program for students with disabilities in the fall. Students must have a documented learning disability (LD). Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability are encouraged to apply.
Microsoft Disability Scholarship for High School Seniors
The Microsoft Disability Scholarship is awarded to promising high school seniors with disabilities who plan to attend a vocational or academic college and aspire to have a career in the technology industry. The scholarships are renewable – each winner who continues to meet the criteria is eligible to receive an annual award of $5,000 for up to four (4) consecutive years for a potential total $20,000 scholarship.
Fred J. Epstein Youth Achievement Award
The Fred J. Epstein Youth Achievement Award is a $1,000 award that recognizes the strengths and accomplishments of young people with learning disabilities and ADHD. It will be given to a student 19 or younger who has demonstrated initiative, talent and determination resulting in a notable accomplishment in any field—including art, music, science, math, athletics or community service.
Joseph James Morelli Scholarship
Joseph James Morelli Scholarships are awarded annually in the amount of $500 to $2,500. Historically, approximately 15-20% of applicants are awarded a scholarship. The majority of Morelli Scholars participate in our free Mentorship Program during their freshman year of college. By learning to manage stress and work smarter – not harder, most participants have found the experience invaluable to their college success.