The opportunities kids have to socialize online come with benefits and risks. The adults in their lives can help reduce the risks by talking to kids about making safe and responsible decisions.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created resources to help parents, teachers and caregivers talk to kids about their online activities and conduct, as well as provide advice and tips on how kids can protect their privacy and safety on the internet.
The FTC consumer resources are organized under the following topics:
Talk to Your Kids
Cyberbullying. Here’s how to prevent or stop cyberbullying through conversations.
Starting the Conversation. Chatting with kids about being online is important. Your kids are counting on you to share what you know.
Kids’ Online Safety
Kids and Computer Security. If your kids are online, they’re old enough to know about computer security practices, phishing, P2P file-sharing, and apps.
Kids and Mobile Phones. Do your kids use a mobile phone? A little guidance can go a long way.
Kids and Socializing Online. Have you and your kids talked about social networking yet? Here are some conversation starters.
Kids and Virtual Worlds. Are your kids accessing online worlds intended for adults?
Kids: Texting and Sexting. Texting is a way of life. Here are some tips for talking to your kids about texting.
Parental Controls & Rights
Kids, Parents, and Video Games. Tools like game ratings and parental controls can help you learn about the games your kids want to play — and help you make sure they’re playing according to your rules.
Parental Controls. Read about parental control options for those who want to monitor or limit their kids’ online activity.
Protecting Your Child’s Privacy Online. This resource contains information about parents’ rights under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Have questions? CHC can help. To schedule an evaluation or to get advice about your child’s challenges, call or email a CHC Care Coordinator at 650.688.3625 or