At its heart, Strengthening Families is about how families are supported to build key protective factors that enable children to thrive. The five protective factors at the foundation of Strengthening Families also offer a framework for changes at the systems, policy and practice level – locally, statewide and nationally.
Strengthening Families™ is a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. It is based on engaging families, programs and communities in building five key protective factors:
Parental resilience: Managing stress and functioning well when faced with challenges, adversity and trauma
Social connections: Positive relationships that provide emotional, informational, instrumental and spiritual support
Knowledge of parenting and child development: Understanding child development and parenting strategies that support physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development
Concrete support in times of need: Access to concrete support and services that address a family’s needs and help minimize stress caused by challenges
Social and emotional competence of children: Family and child interactions that help children develop the ability to communicate clearly, recognize and regulate their emotions and establish and maintain relationships.
View or download a PDF of the two-page resource brief for an overview of the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework.
For more information and many tools and options for implementation, visit
Source: Center for the Study of Social Policy | Strengthening Families, | © Copyright 2021 The Center for the Study of Social Policy
Do you need someone to talk to? To schedule an evaluation or to get advice about your child’s challenges, call or email a CHC Care Manager at 650.688.3625 or CHC teletherapy services are available now.
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