Resources Tagged With: coronavirus

Pediatricians Say the Mental Health Crisis Among Kids Has Become a National Emergency

A coalition of the nation’s leading experts in pediatric health has issued an urgent warning declaring the mental health crisis among children so dire that it has become a national emergency. Read more ›

Youth Depression and Anxiety Doubled During the Pandemic, New Analysis Finds

During the Covid-19 pandemic, depression and anxiety in youth doubled compared to pre-pandemic levels, according to the research. One in 4 adolescents globally are “experiencing clinically elevated depression symptoms, while 1 in 5 youth are experiencing clinically elevated anxiety symptoms.” Read more ›

Feeling Forgetful? How the Pandemic May Have Messed With Our Memory

Written by Vivien Keil, Ph.D.; Consulting Neuropsychologist, PSY#22347

We have all learned a great deal in the last 18 months. These have been forced lessons at the hands of a global pandemic. We know much more than we ever wanted to about the effects of COVID-19 and the trauma surrounding chronic stress, grief, and loss. It’s no surprise that our weary hearts and minds wonder…what’s next? What should I expect so that I can be better informed and prepared, especially as a new school year approaches? Read more ›

ER Visits for Suspected Suicide Attempts Among Teenage Girls Rose During Pandemic

In the early months of 2021, visits to emergency departments for suspected suicide attempts increased roughly 50 percent for adolescent girls compared with the same period in 2019, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more ›

Coming Out of Our COVID Caves: An Expert’s Guide to Re-Entry

For the past 15 months, we’ve been carefully following safety protocols, and strict mandates have helped inform our decisions. Now, as we come out of our COVID caves, the rules are more ambiguous and varying comfort levels collide. It can create a whole new wave of anxiety around what feels safe, especially when our precautions don’t match those around us.

In this Voices of Compassion podcast, CHC’s Dr. Vivien Keil, shares coping strategies for easing our family’s way back into the world with courage and compassion. Read more ›

Ask an Expert: Coping With Tension in the Family [video]

They are the people you love most in the world, but living 24/7 under one roof with your family is stressful and tension filled. Even small things that never bothered you are major irritants now. And now you have the added tension of re-entry – with different family members having different ideas about what that should look like. How do you as a parent navigate all of this and support your family? Read more ›

Considering Therapy for Your Child? How to Get Kids and Teens on Board

If your child or teen is struggling with communication, behavior or relationships, or no longer wants to participate in things that they used to enjoy, it may be time to seek help. How do you convince them that it’s time to take that step? And what can you expect when you get there?

In this Voices of Compassion podcast,  sat down with Dr. Vidya Krishnan, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services at CHC to find out. Read more ›

Healing Together: CHC Virtual Breakfast [video]

We all have some degree of ‘re-entry anxiety’ — whether it’s going back to the workplace, sending our kids to school, or re-engaging with friends and family. The very thing we want the most — to re-enter the world — is causing unease and apprehension. This online gathering features an in-depth conversation with a blue ribbon panel of experts who will offer insights and important practical advice on re-engaging. Read more ›

How to Connect With Your Teen: Communicating with Curiosity and Compassion

Parenting a teen can be challenging, especially in a pandemic. Our teens are struggling right now for many reasons, and parents are grappling with how to support them in a meaningful way. How can you be a sounding board for your teen and really connect with them without trying to fix the problem or seem dismissive?

In this Voices of Compassion podcast, Jennifer Leydecker, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Clinical Manager at CHC, shares her experience and expertise from years of working with teens. Read more ›

COVID-19 and Mental Health

Collective trauma is the psychological impact of a cataclysmic event experienced by a group of people of any size, including an entire nation or society. The following infographics detail the profound and far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more ›

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