Resources Tagged With: IDEA

The School Evaluation Process: How to Get Formal Assessments and Appropriate Services

Is your child eligible for a school evaluation for ADHD or a learning disability? If they are struggling with learning, behavior, or academic skills, the answer is probably “yes.” Understand how to get your child a meaningful evaluation and the important first step to securing the school services and supports your child requires. Read more ›

7 Things to Know About College Disability Services

If your child has had an IEP or a 504 plan in high school, you’ve been able to play a role in the process. You’ve had access to the people who are providing supports and services. And you’ve been able to monitor how well those supports are being implemented. Read more ›

3 Best-Practice Approaches for Assessing Students With Disabilities

Limited time or resources shouldn’t prevent schools from conducting informal and formal assessments of students with disabilities, including those with significant cognitive disabilities. In fact, collecting high-quality data about a student’s performance can guide educators in making more informed decisions about instruction and individualized supports, said the National Center on Educational Outcomes, in a recent paper. Read more ›

Most States Struggling to Fulfill IDEA Requirements

More than half of states are falling behind in meeting their responsibilities to students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, federal officials say.

In an annual evaluation of each state’s special education performance, the U.S. Department of Education found that just 22 states qualified for the designation of “meets requirements” for the 2019-2020 school year for students ages 3 to 21. Read more ›

Online Therapy for Babies and Toddlers With Delays Often Works Well — but Funding Isn’t Keeping Up With the Need

In the United States, an estimated 15 percent of children ages 3 to 17 have developmental delays or disabilities; in children’s first years, some of these delays may be evident in late acquisition of skills like crawling, walking and talking. Research shows that early help from experts in the form of speech, physical or occupational therapy and support from pediatric specialists can have profound results for children and often help them meet the same milestones as their peers. Read more ›

As Students With Disabilities Return to School, Districts Are Unprepared to Meet Their Needs

As students return to schools shuttered by the coronavirus pandemic, many large school districts are not prepared to meet the needs of well more than 1 million students with disabilities who have a legal right to receive support and services but are not getting them ― and the problem is most severe for students of color, according to a new report. Read more ›

Keeping Up in School? Identifying Learning Problems

Reading, writing, and math are the building blocks of learning. Mastering these subjects early on can affect many areas of life, including school, work, and even overall health. It’s normal to make mistakes and even struggle a little when learning new things. But repeated, long-lasting problems may be a sign of a learning disability. Read more ›

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Twice Exceptional, Doubly Disadvantaged? How Schools Struggle to Serve Gifted Students with Disabilities

twice exceptional 544Twice exceptional, or 2e kids are believed to make up at least 6 percent of students in special education — possess high academic aptitude but struggle with ADHD, mild autism, dyslexia or other learning and behavioral challenges. They are notoriously difficult for schools to serve effectively for two reasons, say advocates, parents and some educators. Read more ›

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