Resources Tagged With: mental health resources

Fessel_Navigating the Maze of Mental Health Insurance

EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Navigating the Maze of Health Insurance for Mental Health Related Interventions [presentation]

Presenter Karen Fessel provides an overview of some of  the steps involved in getting insurance to cover intensive mental health treatments for teens, including outdoor and traditional residential therapies, along with day treatment and outpatient mental health treatments. Read more ›


Cops and No Counselors: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff is Harming Students [downloadable]

CopsandNoCounselors503Today’s school children are experiencing record levels of depression and anxiety, alongside multiple forms of trauma.

Cops and No Counselors: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff is Harming Students reviews state-level student-to-school-based mental health personnel ratios as well as data concerning law enforcement in schools. Read more ›

suicide social media 492

Tips for Discussing Suicide on Social Media — A Guide for Youth [downloadable]

suicide social media 492There are pros and cons to social media discussions of suicide. Social media can spread helpful knowledge and support, but it can also quickly disseminate harmful messaging and misinformation that puts vulnerable youth at risk. Read more ›


Coping After Suicide Loss: Tips for Grieving Adults, Children, and Schools [downloadable]

Death by suicide is always a tragic event. It can trigger a host of complicated and confusing emotions. Whether you are coping with the loss of a loved one, or are helping a child or adult navigate such a loss, these tools from the American Psychological Association can help. Read more ›

Navigating Mental Health Services for Your Child428

Navigating Mental Health Services for Your Child [video]

Do you think your child is experiencing anxiety and depression that needs to be addressed, but you don’t know where to start? Navigating mental health services can be challenging. Listen to a panel of specialists moderated by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD, Chief Clinical Officer at Children’s Health Council, to learn more about the services that are available and how you can access them when you need them. Read more ›


Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE) [web resource]

SuicideAwareness201One of the nation’s first organizations dedicated to the prevention of suicide, SAVE‘s work is based on the foundation and belief that suicide is preventable and everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide.
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#BeThe1To — Suicide Prevention Resources [web resource]

bethe1to166#BeThe1To is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s message for National Suicide Prevention Month and beyond, spreading the word about actions we can all take to prevent suicide. The Lifeline network and its partners are working to change the conversation from suicide to suicide prevention, to actions that can promote healing, help and give hope. Read more ›

teen behavior mental health 149

When Erratic Teenage Behavior Means Something More

teen behavior mental health 149Mary Rose O’Leary has shepherded three children into adulthood, and teaches art and music to middle-school students.

Despite her extensive personal and professional experience with teens, the Eagle Rock, Calif., resident admits she’s often perplexed by their behavior. Read more ›

mental health book 134

The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy

Towerybookcover135Imagine you are 15 and texting someone you like. Twenty minutes go by without a response. What thoughts come into your mind?

This is a hypothetical scenario in Jacob Towery’s The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy, but it is no stretch to assume it is happening right now all over the country. If adolescents are not waiting for a text, they are checking their grades online or browsing social media. Emotional resilience is tested not weekly or daily, but multiple times a minute. Read more ›

SanaMente EachMindMatters 133

SanaMente: California’s Mental Health Website and Resources for Latinos [web resource]

SanaMente132Latinos are one of the groups least likely to seek help for mental illness due to reasons which include language fluency, cultural barriers and access to health coverage. SanaMente is California’s Mental Health Movement website for the Latino community. Read more ›

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