Resources Tagged With: parenting

Help Your Teen Cope with Stress

Teenagers face a variety of stresses.  Whatever the cause, starting down the road to adulthood has its own special challenges.

You can help your teen by learning to recognize the signs of stress and teaching your child healthy ways to deal with it. Read more ›

How to Help Your Child Learn Healthy Ways to Tolerate Frustration

As a parent, it’s crucial for you to have age-appropriate expectations for tolerating frustration. Children’s abilities develop over time, and younger children are likely to struggle more with frustration than older children. Read more ›

Children and Gender Identity: Supporting Your Child

If your child has questions about gender identity or gender expression, you probably have questions too. Find out what you can do to help and support your child. Read more ›

Teaching Kids Digital Citizenship

In this Voices of Compassion episode, we talk with Eisha Buch, Director, Education Programs & Development for Common Sense Education, about helping students develop a sense of digital agency so that they can truly thrive in a tech-filled world with all its benefits, as well as navigating the potential stressors. Read more ›

Understand How Teens Think

We want our children to make wise, well-reasoned decisions. Our desire to keep them safe drives our need to shape those decisions. How we talk to our tweens and teens can make the difference between whether they absorb our lessons or rebel against them.
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Parents, It’s Time to Talk to Your Child About Vaping

Parents, have you talked to your kids about vaping nicotine yet?

If you have an older kid or a teenager, it’s likely they will encounter e-cigarettes at some point. They often contain more nicotine than regular cigarettes, which makes them highly addictive (and harmful to health). And with fruit and candy flavors, they’re marketed in a way that’s appealing to teens. Read more ›

How to Talk to Kids About a Cancer Diagnosis in the Family

What does an appropriate and reassuring conversation with children about a cancer diagnosis look like?

Elizabeth Farrell, a clinical social worker with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, says that a lot of caregivers’ first instinct may be to choose not to tell their children, hoping to protect them. Read more ›

3 Research-Backed Tips for Teaching Forgiveness to Children

Forgiving and moving on is just as important in repairing a relationship as apologizing and making up for a mistake. As adults, we know the importance of forgiveness in our relationships, but what about for our children? How do they learn to forgive others and move on? And is there anything we can do to teach them to be more forgiving? Read more ›

How Parents Can Help Children with ADHD Thrive in Friendships

“Vibrant” is how Caroline Poisson describes her seven-year-old son. “He’s incredible, enthusiastic and curious,” she said. “And then there’s a side of what we call kryptonite and we talk about his ADHD brain, where there are some things that are just really hard for him.”
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