Resources Tagged With: podcast

When Conventional Schools Don’t Work

Most kids complain about school sometimes. But if your child’s gripes come almost daily and they are begging you not to go to school at all, you might be wondering if there’s something deeper going on. Are they falling behind? Not making friends? Does the pace of instruction leave them feeling lost and confused? Read more ›

How to Care for Your Kids — by First Caring for Yourself

In this NPR interview, mindfulness expert and psychologist Susan Pollak discusses letting of constant self-judgment and treating yourself with the same kindness and caring you strive to offer your kids. Read more ›

Helping to Manage a Child’s Emotions

Emotional regulation is the ability to control our emotional state so that it matches the situation at-hand. It is not something we are born knowing how to do, but rather we learn over time. How can we teach our kids to respond to various situations appropriately, even if it means behaving on the outside differently than they are feeling on the inside? Read more ›

Why Sleep Matters to Mental Health

Sleep. We all need it and yet most of us don’t get enough of it. The importance of sleep on our physical and mental health cannot be understated. Read more ›

Talking With Kids About Violence

Almost every day it seems that we are exposed to various acts of violence — school shootings, war, terrorism and more. As a result, our kids can end up feeling confused, frightened and unsafe. How can we validate those feelings while providing comfort to our kids? How do we encourage them to ask questions, even if we may not have all the answers? Should we wait until they come to us or bring it up ourselves? Read more ›

Suicide Prevention

In honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we continue our coverage of this complex topic in our Voices of Compassion podcast series with a brand new episode. Read more ›

Isolation & Loneliness

Nearly half of Americans report feeling left out or alone, and over two-thirds of teens report being lonely. Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity. But did you know that even just one friend can be enough? Read more ›

When a Child Won’t Go to School

School avoidance has become a major issue, exacerbated by long periods of distance learning and isolation. What causes school avoidance? How does it show up in kids and how can parents effectively support their children in getting back to the classroom? Read more ›

Back to School: Balancing Academic and Social-Emotional Wellness

Social-emotional health is fundamental to life and learning: in fact, research shows that it is a greater predictor of academic success than IQ. As our kids head back to school, we are mindful of what they have been through in the past few years and the youth mental health crisis in our midst. Read more ›

The Autism/ADHD Podcast [web resource]

Children with ADHD and Autism often require a different approach. In the Autism/ADHD podcast series, behavior expert Holly Blanc Moses shares her strategies to help children diagnosed with autism and ADHD effectively improve their behavior, emotional health, social skills, and academic performance. Read more ›

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