Resources Tagged With: school

ADHD 589

10 Things To Do Before School Starts

ADHD 589If your child has learning challenges, a successful school year begins in July, not the first day of classes. Set up your child for success by reviewing his IEP or 504 Plan, developing organization systems with him, communicating with teachers, and more during the summer months. Read more ›

Dear Teacher, Please Meet My Child [downloadable]

Stop Bullying: Speak Up [downloadable] [video]

stopbullyingspeakuplogo584Launched in 209 by Cartoon Network, the Stop Bullying: Speak Up campaign,  encourages the bystander to ‘speak up’ when they see bullying by getting an adult. Read more ›

SEL study 578

Report: Are Students’ Assessments of Their Own Interpersonal Skills Reliable? [downloadable]

SEL study 578Researchers who examined data from five large California school districts have concluded that measures of students’ personal strengths and interpersonal skills are not reliable enough at this point to include in states’ and districts’ school accountability systems. Read more ›

SEL selfregulation 570

Concrete Ways To Help Students Self-Regulate And Prioritize Work [video]

SEL selfregulation 570There are a lot of skills necessary to succeed in school that aren’t directly about mastering content, including the ability to recognize, name and control ones emotions. The school day often comes with lots of emotion, everything from elation to frustration, which makes it the perfect place to practice self-regulation. Read more ›

Special ed 569

National PTA’s Special Education Toolkit [web resource]

Special ed 569The Special Education Toolkit from National Parent-Teacher Association (National PTA) helps make sense of an often confusing system and educates families of newly diagnosed children with special needs on how to get the best special education, services, and resources available to them. Read more ›


Family Guides: Help Your Children Succeed in Key Learning Areas [downloadable]

FamilyGuides568When families, communities and schools work together, students are more successful.  In fact, decades of research show that students with involved parents are more likely to attend school regularly, perform better in school, develop better social skills, and go on to post-secondary education. Read more ›

twice exceptional 544

Twice Exceptional, Doubly Disadvantaged? How Schools Struggle to Serve Gifted Students with Disabilities

twice exceptional 544Twice exceptional, or 2e kids are believed to make up at least 6 percent of students in special education — possess high academic aptitude but struggle with ADHD, mild autism, dyslexia or other learning and behavioral challenges. They are notoriously difficult for schools to serve effectively for two reasons, say advocates, parents and some educators. Read more ›

interview lgbtq 543

Transgender Students Are Still at Risk, But Schools Can Help

interview lgbtq 543In 2015, Vanessa Ford’s 4-year-old came out as transgender. Ford says she was lucky to have a strong support network and an understanding school, but she was still a little overwhelmed. Even though she had spent 14 years as an educator at D.C. Public Schools, she realized there was a lot she still didn’t know, such as how to make a support plan for her daughter Ellie. Read more ›

test anxiety 538

A Strategy for Reducing Math Test Anxiety

test anxiety 538A lot of students have test anxiety. How do we change test-taking so that we’re creating a comfortable environment for our students to show what they really know? A strategy called Test Talk, which the author of this article co-created, has helped her students relax during exams. Read more ›

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