Resources Tagged With: school

boy-adhd 434

One in Five Students with Significant ADHD Gets No School-Based Help, Study Finds

boy-adhd 434A substantial percentage of students with ADHD symptoms severe enough to affect them both academically and socially are not getting any support in school for the disorder, says a new study based on the experiences of nearly 2,500 children and youth. Read more ›


Top 5 Reasons to Train Teachers About Dyslexia

dyslexiablog431Written by Lisa Parnello, Literacy Specialist & Wilson Credentialed Trainer

In a sea of professional development opportunities for teachers, how do you decide what’s most important for teachers to learn? What will make the biggest impact on the students? Read more ›

Evaluations and IEPs-Shouldn’t They be Connected427

Evaluations and IEPs: Shouldn’t They be Connected? [presentation] [video]

Evaluations and IEPs-Shouldn’t They be Connected427Your child’s evaluation includes a bunch of scores and some recommendations. Even though your evaluator talked through all the scores with you, you’re still not sure what they mean or how to translate those into meaningful IEP goals for your son/daughter.  Learn more about IEPs from CHC’s Chris Harris, MEd so that you can effectively advocate for your child. Read more ›

mother daughter421

Four Key Executive Functioning Strategies for Your Child

mother daughter421
Written by Vivien Keil, PhD, Neuropsychologist and Clinical Director at CHC

March Madness is around the corner: a time of anticipation and excitement for college basketball fans around the globe.

Many students, however, especially those with learning and attention differences, are experiencing another form of madness altogether: midterms, projects, deadlines and a pressure to succeed. In a recent study, 45% of teens reported feeling stressed “all the time.” Many parents feel helpless as they wonder how best to help their kids stay afloat.

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Managing Transition- Developing a Strengths-Based IEP 415

Managing Transition: Developing a Strengths-Based IEP [presentation]

Managing Transition- Developing a Strengths-Based IEP 415When a student on an IEP gets to high school age, the focus and format of the IEP should change. IEPs should become student-centered, strength-based and future-focused. How does a parent support their child in the revised process? CHC’s Chris Harris describes the best practice for making the transition IEP participatory, informative and effective. Read more ›

lifesuccess 406

Life Success For Students with Learning Disabilities: A Parent’s Guide [downloadable]

lifesuccess 406LD OnLine offers a guide for parents on how to help their children succeed titled Life Success for Students with Learning Disabilities: A Parent’s Guide. It was developed by the Frostig Center and based on more than twenty years of ground-breaking research on the lives of children and adults with learning disabilities. This is offered to you as part of LD OnLine’s efforts to bring you the latest research to help you raise your children with learning disabilities. Read more ›

high school 403

Study Details How Today’s High School Cliques Compare to Yesterday’s

high school 403Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin, have found that while many high school peer crowds and influences have remained constant over time, changing demographics, cultural influences and the increasing number of college-bound youth have led to the emergence of new peer groups and perceptions. Read more ›

ANationatHope 391
SEL blog 390

The Power of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL blog 390Written by Jeff Kozlowski, Head of Sand Hill School at CHC

The Case for SEL

Look around any Starbucks, airport or doctor’s office waiting room, and you’ll likely see impatient, frustrated, and angry adults simmering in the presence of children. After all, children are renowned for testing boundaries, pushing buttons and trying patience. This is especially true for kids with learning differences, as they try to navigate a world that doesn’t make sense. Read more ›

An Inside Look at the Psychological-Educational Evaluation 389

An Inside Look at the Psychological-Educational Evaluation [presentation]

Did your child recently receive a psycho-educational evaluation, you have the report, but you don’t really understand it?

Learn more about what is included in this type of evaluation and how it can provide valuable information to help you better understand your child and the types of supports from which they can benefit. Presented by Christina Young, PhD, Neuropsychologist. Read more ›

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