Resources Tagged With: sensory processing disorder

CHC’s Occupational Therapy Gym Gets a Spring Refresh

What if a therapy room felt more like a playground? What if there were soft mats covering the floor, colorful walls, climbing spaces, and swinging trapezes? And what if, upon entering this special space, you were greeted by a friendly mini Aussiedoodle? This magical space you’re envisioning isn’t a mere fantasy—it’s the occupational therapy gym at CHC. Read more ›

‘Hyposensitivity’ Can Look a Lot Like Misbehavior

When my son was two years old, he slipped and hit his lip on the bathtub. I initially thought he was fine, as he didn’t cry very much, and there wasn’t a lot of blood. However, in the next few days, as his lip started swelling up and he developed two black eyes, I realized he was hurt much more seriously than I initially thought. As it turned out, this high pain tolerance, combined with his hyperactivity, were some of the early signs that my son is hyposensitive. Read more ›

Processing with Our Senses

When you hear a sound, how do you respond? You might choose to ignore it or investigate its source. This process of using our senses to interpret a situation and respond in a purposeful way is called sensory integration. When these systems don’t synthesize, whether due to a diagnosis like autism or ADHD or to a skills deficit, it can lead to a whole host of learning and behavioral challenges. Studies have found that 1 in every 6 children has sensory processing issues that make it more difficult for them to thrive in school.  Read more ›

What Is Sensory Processing Disorder?

It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by competing conversations or flashing lights, but for children and adults with Sensory Processing Disorder, these sensations disrupt and overwhelm everyday life. Read more ›

Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing Disorders Fact Sheet [downloadable]

Sensory integration involves perceiving, modulating, organizing, and interpreting these sensations to optimize occupational performance and participation. Well-regulated and appropriately functioning sensory systems contribute to important outcomes in social emotional, physical and motor, communication, self-care, cognitive, and adaptive skills development and maintenance. Read more ›

Understanding Sensory Integration

Sensory integration is an essential part of your development — it helps define everything from the way you see and hear things in the world, to the way that your body exists in space and more. Yet, research suggests that anywhere from 5% to 16.5% of people experience sensory processing challenges, especially in those with conditions like autism spectrum disorder. Read more ›

Signs and Symptoms of Learning Disabilities Can Change With Age

Being a child or teen with a learning disability can be challenging and frustrating, especially if the learning disability goes undetected. It is important to understand the symptoms one might experience at different ages and get children and teens the proper assistance they require at school. Read more ›

Community Education

ADHD & Sensory Processing Disorder [presentation]

How do we distinguish between ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder? Learn more from CHC experts about these diagnoses and the treatment options. Read more ›

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