Resources Tagged With: sexual identity

Gay-Straight Alliances at School Cut Bullying for LGBTQ Youth

LGBTQ students attending schools with gay-straight alliance programs in place reported experiencing less bullying and better health outcomes than their LGBTQ peers whose schools lacked such programs, according to a national survey. Read more ›

Bullying Preceded Many LGBTQ Youth Suicides

Bullying was common among LGBTQ youth who died by suicide between 2003 and 2017, especially among younger children, researchers reported. Read more ›

Transgender Youth Reluctant to Come Out to Their Doctors

Half of transgender youth said they tell healthcare providers nothing about their gender identities, survey findings indicated.

Among 204 transgender youth ages 12 to 26 who participated, 46% agreed that they “intentionally avoided disclosure” of their gender identity to healthcare providers outside of a gender clinic, Gina Sequeira, MD, MS, of the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, and colleagues wrote in the Journal of Adolescent Health. Read more ›

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Transgender Students Are Still at Risk, But Schools Can Help

interview lgbtq 543In 2015, Vanessa Ford’s 4-year-old came out as transgender. Ford says she was lucky to have a strong support network and an understanding school, but she was still a little overwhelmed. Even though she had spent 14 years as an educator at D.C. Public Schools, she realized there was a lot she still didn’t know, such as how to make a support plan for her daughter Ellie. Read more ›

Gender Spectrum [web resource]

Gender Spectrum is a nonprofit organization that helps to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens. Read more ›


Debate on LGBT Rights Contributed to Homophobic Bullying

bullyingresearch505Scientists have uncovered new evidence that heated political discourse over proposed laws involving marginalized groups, such as debates about the rights of LGBT people, can contribute to an increase in bullying linked to students’ identity in schools. It is the largest study to date to examine the link.

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Talking to Your Child About Sex and Relationships [web resource]

healthconnectedlogo429Many parents feel anxious about talking to their child about sex and relationships, particularly given the wide ranging images and messages we receive on a daily basis about gender roles, relationships, and sexuality. Here are a few tips for parents from Health Connected, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help young people feel confident and supported to make informed decisions about their own sexual health. Read more ›

The Trans Experience- A Panel Discussion 387

The Trans Experience: A Panel Discussion [video]

Transgender issues are complex and new to many people. Gain greater understanding of the transgender experience and learn how to better support the transgender youth in your life.  Read more ›

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Reducing Isolation & Anxiety in LGBTQQ+ Teens [presentation] [video]

Do you have or know a child who is questioning gender identity or has identified as LGBTQ?

Hear about how you can support these youth in this session presented by Ryan Fouts, LCSW, Outlet Program Director at Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS). Read more ›


Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network [web resource] [downloadable]

GLSEN335GLSEN (pronounced “glisten”) stands for the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, a national education organization working to create safe schools for all students. Read more ›

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