Resources Tagged With: sexual identity


What It’s Like to Be the Parent of a Trans* Kid

The following is a blog post written by venture capitalist Heidi Roizen after the suicide of trans teen Leelah Alcorn in 2014. Roizen recounts her own experience as a parent of a trans kid in the hope that it might help others. Read more ›


American Academy of Pediatrics: Policy Statement on Supporting Transgender, Gender-Diverse Youths

lgbtq234In recent years, “gender identity” has increasingly been recognized as a complex concept that goes beyond traditional definitions of masculinity and femininity. Society struggles to adapt to and appreciate the diverse experiences of transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals, which contributes to intolerance, discrimination and stigma. In this context, TGD youths and their families increasingly present to pediatric providers for advocacy, care and referrals. Read more ›

Resources for Developing Inclusive Schools [web resource] [downloadable]

When students feel safe at school, they can thrive. Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, offers an array of free resources designed to help educators and administrators create a welcoming school community. Read more ›

Great Diverse Books For Your School, Library or Home [web resource] [downloadable]

A simple way to let students and families know that your school welcomes everyone is to integrate books into your curriculum that reflect the diversity of your classroom and the world.

Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, has created lists of currently available diverse books as a starting point. Each recommendation includes a brief summary and the grade and age-range the book is best suited for. Read more ›


How to Reduce the Mental Health Risk for Gender-Nonconforming Kids

lgbtqq203In recent years, much of the country has become more accepting of those with sexual- and gender-nonconforming identities.  Many in the LGBTQ community still face pressure, hostility and discrimination from a variety of sources, including their own families. Read more ›


LGBTQ Resources — Each Mind Matters [web resource]

Being a member of the LGBTQ community doesn’t necessarily increase the risk for mental health issues; but the stigma and discrimination LGBTQ individuals may face from family, friends and society can increase risk for mental health challenges. Read more ›

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LGBTQ Teens & Depression [presentation] [video]

During this teen friendly session, CHC’s adolescent therapist, Jenna Borrelli, and transgender college/school counselor, Brad Ward look deeply into the issues surrounding gender, sexual orientation and non-binary identification–often leading to higher rates of depression and suicide compared to traditional cisgender teens. Read more ›

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LBTQIA+ Glossary and Other Online Resources [web resource]

many hands-2724191_640Learning about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual communities and the issues impacting these communities is a life-long process.  The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) Resource Center at the University of California, Davis is a dynamic, responsive and collaborative organization that serves UC Davis and the surrounding region by providing a growing spectrum of programs, resources, outreach and advocacy. Read more ›

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Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children [downloadable]

/Users/lori/Desktop/photos for CHC articles/supportingcaringfortransgender.pngThe American Academy of Pediatrics supports policies that are gender-affirming for children – an approach that is supported by other key professional organizations.

In 2016, the AAP joined with other organizations to produce the document, Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children, “a guide for community members and allies to ensure that transgender young people are affirmed, respected, and able to thrive.” Read more ›

What to Do When Your Child Comes Out As LGBTQ

So your child just came out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. What do you do? Read more ›

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