Resources Tagged With: social emotional


Meditation at Schools Can Benefit Both Learning and Behavior

calm247The McKinley-Brighton Elementary School in Syracuse, New York, is experiencing positive results on student behavior and learning from a daily 30-minute opening period of meditation and mindfulness, and the establishment of a “mindful room” for students who are acting out. Read more ›


For Teens: Creating Your Personal Stress-Management Plan [downloadable]

resiliencestressmanagment230Resilience is the quality that allows you to “bounce back,” adapt, and persevere when you are faced with problems or challenges.  Becoming more emotionally resilient will help you manage hard times and stress.

The following 10-point plan was developed to help you manage stress.  None are quick fixes, but they will lead you toward a healthy and successful life. Read more ›

Resources for Developing Inclusive Schools [web resource] [downloadable]

When students feel safe at school, they can thrive. Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, offers an array of free resources designed to help educators and administrators create a welcoming school community. Read more ›

Great Diverse Books For Your School, Library or Home [web resource] [downloadable]

A simple way to let students and families know that your school welcomes everyone is to integrate books into your curriculum that reflect the diversity of your classroom and the world.

Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, has created lists of currently available diverse books as a starting point. Each recommendation includes a brief summary and the grade and age-range the book is best suited for. Read more ›


Video Game Helps Kids Understand Experiences Of Peers On The Autism Spectrum

PrismAutism215A new game developed by Carnegie Mellon University students is helping elementary schoolers understand what life is like for kids on the autism spectrum.

Created by the university’s Entertainment Technology Center, Prism uses its animal characters as allegories for the challenges those with autism face. Read more ›


Developmental Milestones Checklists for Infants and Young Children [downloadable]

devmilestones210Developmental milestones are behaviors and skills that most children demonstrate at a given age. It’s important to note that all children develop differently. Milestone checklists provide examples of typical development progress at that age. Read more ›


Seven Questions You Need to Ask on Back-to-School Night

With the new school year upon us, parents will be attending a back-to-school night at their child’s school. Many ask us, “What questions should I be asking?” Here are seven you might explore with your child’s teachers and principal. Read more ›


Six Strategies to Help Introverts Thrive at School and Feel Understood

introvert180In every classroom, teachers try to engage students who have a variety of temperaments: extroverts, introverts and ambiverts. They work with children who crave sensory stimulation and with those who are highly sensitive to noise and visual distraction.

While one temperament is not better than any other, introverted students are often “overlooked, undervalued and overstimulated in our schools,” said Heidi Kasevich, a 20-year teaching veteran and director of education for Quiet Revolution, an outgrowth of Susan Cain’s best-selling book on the power of introverts. Read more ›


Let’s Get Through This: Mental Health and Transitions

zenrunner165written by CHC staff member Mike Navarrete

Summer is a time to relax, recharge and have fun. But for many, these months are also a complex time of transition between the freedom of ending one school year and the anticipation of entering the next. These transitions can be especially challenging for those struggling with a mental health condition. Read more ›


Free Growth Mindset Resources for Educators [web resource]

PERTSlogo161Students from underserved communities graduate from high school and college at far lower rates than their advantaged peers, and these achievement gaps powerfully perpetuate longstanding socioeconomic inequalities.

Project for Education Research that Scales (PERTS) is an applied research center at Stanford University that helps educators apply evidence-based strategies to foster educational excellence and equity on a large scale. Read more ›

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