Resources Tagged With: social emotional

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How to Teach Teens About Love, Consent and Emotional Intelligence

teens holding hands142Navigating love and relationships can be difficult at any age, but especially so in the angsty teenage years. Budding romances can be fun and exhilarating but also confusing and uncomfortable. In these moments of confusion, teens often turn to friends or the internet for advice. But what if teens were trained with other options? What if lessons in love and romance were taught more explicitly in schools and at home? Read more ›


Helicopter Parenting May Negatively Affect Children’s Emotional Well-Being, Behavior

helicopterparenting140It’s natural for parents to do whatever they can to keep their children safe and healthy, but children need space to learn and grow on their own, without Mom or Dad hovering over them, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. The study, published in the journal Developmental Psychology, found that overcontrolling parenting can negatively affect a child’s ability to manage his or her emotions and behavior. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Spotlight Panel: Where Are They Now? Successful Adults with Learning Differences [video]

Are you wondering what the future holds for your child with learning and attention differences? You know they can be successful in life, but how does that happen? CHC’s Dr. Rosalie Whitlock moderates this EdRev Expo 2018 Spotlight Panel of adults who have grown up with learning and attention differences and have become successful in their work. Read more ›

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The Paradox of the Mother-Teen Daughter Relationship: Interactive Panel [presentation] [video]

Jenna Borrelli, an adolescent therapist at CHC, speaks about improving communication skills and managing conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship. A facilitated panel discussion follows the presentation. Read more ›


EdRev Expo Workshop: Mindful Games & Activities: Developing a Mindfulness Practice for Students with Learning Differences [presentation]

“Mindfulness is a form of attention or awareness training that can be applied in any activity throughout the day- seeing, hearing, walking, eating, playing and homework. Its purpose is to increase self awareness, emotional balance, impulse control and overall focus.” (Mindful Schools 2013). In this session, middle school learning specialist Cori Maiden, M.S.Ed, and music teacher Cynthia Pistone, both from Charles Armstrong School, show how to practice these skills with students through mindful activities and games. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Get Your Calm On—Move Free & Express Your Stress [presentation]

Pam Lozoff, MSW, RYT, Spirit of Youth Yoga Project Director discusses how yoga, breathing, and self-calming techniques can help children reduce their stress levels, learn to self-soothe, and be better equipped to regulate their emotions and behavior. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Dyslexia Rules! [presentation]

Makayla Halbower, a student herself, and author of a book called Dyslexia Rules!, shares her journey in navigating life with learning differences beginning in first grade to the present (6th grade), including her ups and downs along the way. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: ADHD & Technology—How Do They Mix? [presentation]

It’s no secret that kids are spending more and more time with technology. Many kids have complex digital lives. If your child has ADHD, you may wonder what impact that might have on their use of social media. Read more ›


Helping Students Face Their Fears

stressanxiety92National data indicates that about one-third of teenagers will experience an anxiety disorder, with 8 percent seriously impaired. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that these numbers, higher than in decades past, reflect a real increase, not just a rise in reporting. Read more ›

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Positive Things You Should Be Saying to Your Child

child dandelion84There are days (okay, maybe a lot of days) where we feel like we’re constantly saying “don’t” and “no.” It’s our job as parents to set and enforce boundaries and to keep our children safe. Our children also need to hear us say things will make them feel good about themselves— things that can lift their spirits and sustain them in good times and bad. Read more ›

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