Resources Tagged With: social emotional

How Reading Aloud Can Help You Bond With Your Kids and Make Them Better Readers

We’ve all heard about the benefits of learning to read quietly and independently. A big part of learning at school is all about reading, but it’s not always easy to find time for more reading at home. Read more ›

Special Olympics Program Helps Schools Get Unified on Inclusivity

When the bullying prevention side of the Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program became clear to the Lansing Public School District in Michigan, an initial launch quickly expanded from five schools to the entire district. Read more ›

Reduce Challenging Behavior in Young Children [downloadable]

The Backpack Connection Series is a collection of tip sheets created to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Read more ›

Stress and Short Tempers: Schools Struggle with Behavior as Students Return

A month into school, Chicago social worker Alyssa Rodriguez says she underestimated the challenge ahead. Student behavior referrals are up, as middle schoolers hurt each others’ feelings with comments they’d usually only be bold enough to say online.

Schools across the country say they’re seeing an uptick in disruptive behaviors. Read more ›

The Difference Between Hope and Optimism

Some of the people who have done the best have been downright pessimistic about the outside world, but they’ve paid less attention to external circumstances and focused more on what they could do to persevere. Read more ›

Seven Strategies for Maintaining Positive Emotions in Tough Times [video] [downloadable]

One of the nation’s leading clinical psychologists, Gloria Morrow, PhD, shares some simple things we can all do to maintain positive emotions during challenging times. Read more ›

4 Easy, Everyday Ways to Teach Your Kids About Representation

What children are exposed to early on shapes them forever, and that’s certainly true when it comes to diversity and acceptance. Parents basically have a decade-ish to fundamentally influence how their children view and value diversity, while living within a broader system in which inequality is rampant. Read more ›

Free Online Reflection Tool for Students and Teachers [web resource]

Giving kids a chance to talk with adults about their lives outside of class can be critical for their social-emotional development. But during the pandemic, online classes didn’t often allow the time for that individual attention. Along is a free digital reflection tool that helps teachers prompt students to talk about their personal lives through recorded video, audio or written texts as a way to support them emotionally, not just academically. Read more ›

Starting Kindergarten: Tips for a Smooth Transition

Starting kindergarten is both exciting and scary — for children and their parents. Young children thrive when they feel comfortable, safe and secure. But it can be challenging to help your child feel prepared when everything feels so uncertain right now. What can you do to make the leap less worrisome and more fun? Read more ›

Setting Expectations for Fall

You’re getting ready to go back to school, or maybe you already have. You know it’s going to be different, but you’re not sure how different or what to expect. How can you as a parent help to prepare your child and set expectations that will provide the foundation to start the school year off on the right foot? Read more ›

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