Resources Tagged With: teen sexuality

Gay-Straight Alliances at School Cut Bullying for LGBTQ Youth

LGBTQ students attending schools with gay-straight alliance programs in place reported experiencing less bullying and better health outcomes than their LGBTQ peers whose schools lacked such programs, according to a national survey. Read more ›

Study: As More Teens Identify as LGBTQ, Suicidality Edges Down

Substantial recent increases in the percentage of teens and young adults reporting they are not heterosexual were accompanied by a decline in suicide attempts among sexual minority youth, survey data indicated. Read more ›

Teen Health Services and One-On-One Time with A Healthcare Provider

The teen years are an important time of growth and development. Teens need regular medical care to ensure they receive recommended health services that help keep them safe and healthy. Having a healthcare provider (e.g., a doctor or nurse practitioner) they trust and can talk to is important, particularly when it comes to topics such as mental and sexual health, substance use, and safety from bullying. Read more ›

Gender Spectrum [web resource]

Gender Spectrum is a nonprofit organization that helps to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens. Read more ›

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Lack of Sleep May Increase Likelihood of Teens Engaging in Risky Behaviors

teens sleep research 533Teenagers who don’t get enough sleep may be at an increased risk of engaging in unsafe sexual behaviors, such as not using condoms or having sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Read more ›

Navigating Teen Relationships & Understanding Teen Relationships in the Digital World 517

Navigating Teen Relationships & Understanding Teen Relationships in the Digital World [presentation] [video]

Effective communication is a protective factor that can help prepare teens to make informed, safe, and healthy decisions in the future. This session focuses on helping parents and trusted adults engage their children in open and honest conversation on the impact of social media and pornography on relationships, digital perfection and its impact on body image, and sexting. Read more ›


Talking to Your Child About Sex and Relationships [web resource]

healthconnectedlogo429Many parents feel anxious about talking to their child about sex and relationships, particularly given the wide ranging images and messages we receive on a daily basis about gender roles, relationships, and sexuality. Here are a few tips for parents from Health Connected, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help young people feel confident and supported to make informed decisions about their own sexual health. Read more ›


LGBT+ Teens in US, Rejected by Families, Struggling in Foster Care

fosteryouthlgbtqq419LGBT+ teens in the United States are three times more likely than heterosexual teens to live in foster care, often after being rejected by their families over their sexuality, according to new research. Read more ›

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Reducing Isolation & Anxiety in LGBTQQ+ Teens [presentation] [video]

Do you have or know a child who is questioning gender identity or has identified as LGBTQ?

Hear about how you can support these youth in this session presented by Ryan Fouts, LCSW, Outlet Program Director at Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS). Read more ›


Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network [web resource] [downloadable]

GLSEN335GLSEN (pronounced “glisten”) stands for the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, a national education organization working to create safe schools for all students. Read more ›

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