Resources Tagged With: Vivien Keil

A Parent’s Journey: A Child Who is Twice Exceptional

Parenting is never easy, but raising a child with exceptional talents who also struggles with learning differences (such as autism, ADHD or dyslexia) is even more complex. In this Voices of Compassion episode, we talk with Callie Turk, a parent of a 2e child and Dr. Vivien Keil, neuropsychologist, about the journey of understanding and parenting these unique and extraordinary kids. Read more ›

I Just Learned My Child Has Dyslexia…Now What?

A dyslexia diagnosis can be bittersweet: in some ways, it might help explain your child’s struggles in school and their anxieties about falling behind. But finding the right supports for your child is daunting, and you can’t help but worry about the long-term impacts on their happiness, confidence and success. Read more ›

Coming Out of Our COVID Caves: An Expert’s Guide to Re-Entry

For the past 15 months, we’ve been carefully following safety protocols, and strict mandates have helped inform our decisions. Now, as we come out of our COVID caves, the rules are more ambiguous and varying comfort levels collide. It can create a whole new wave of anxiety around what feels safe, especially when our precautions don’t match those around us.

In this Voices of Compassion podcast, CHC’s Dr. Vivien Keil, shares coping strategies for easing our family’s way back into the world with courage and compassion. Read more ›

Anxiety and Twice Exceptional (2e) Child [downloadable]

Students who are twice-exceptional (2e) have tremendous intellectual gifts alongside a wide range of possible learning challenges — attention differences, slow processing speed, social immaturity, and/or weak executive function skills, just to name a few of the possibilities. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Anxiety and the Twice Exceptional Child [presentation] [video]

What does it mean when your child has been identified as twice exceptional? Students who are twice exceptional have unique challenges. They often experience anxiety as a result of some of those challenges. CHC’s Vivien Keil, PhD, talks about the makeup of a twice exceptional student, why they experience anxiety, and how you can help. Read more ›

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Four Key Executive Functioning Strategies for Your Child

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Written by Vivien Keil, PhD, Neuropsychologist and Clinical Director at CHC

March Madness is around the corner: a time of anticipation and excitement for college basketball fans around the globe.

Many students, however, especially those with learning and attention differences, are experiencing another form of madness altogether: midterms, projects, deadlines and a pressure to succeed. In a recent study, 45% of teens reported feeling stressed “all the time.” Many parents feel helpless as they wonder how best to help their kids stay afloat.

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Anxiety and the Twice Exceptional Child [presentation] [video]

Students who are twice exceptional have unique challenges. They often experience anxiety as a result of some of those challenges. Read more ›

Community Education

ADHD: Strains, Strengths and Strategies [presentation]

Do you have questions about ADHD? Learn about ADHD and the strategies that help promote attention and support executive functioning in Dr. Vivien Keil’s presentation in partnership with San Francisco Public Library’s The Bridge at Main program. Read more ›

Community Education

Executive Functions: What They Are and How to Support Them [presentation]

Studies show that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a critical factor to success, even more so than academics. SEL and Executive Functioning go hand in hand. Together they represent the missing puzzle piece for education. Learn more from Vivien Keil, PhD and Vanessa Fasoli, ACC, about these important areas and how they relate to success in home, school and life.  Read more ›

Community Education

Signs of ADHD & Tips for Coping [presentation]

In this community education presentation, Dr. Glen Elliott and Dr. Vivien Keil provide a brief historical perspective of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), discuss current methods for diagnosis and some general strategies for coping with a child with ADHD. Read more ›

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