Resources Tagged With: Voices of Compassion

Starting Kindergarten: Tips for a Smooth Transition

Starting kindergarten is both exciting and scary — for children and their parents. Young children thrive when they feel comfortable, safe and secure. But it can be challenging to help your child feel prepared when everything feels so uncertain right now. What can you do to make the leap less worrisome and more fun? Read more ›

Setting Expectations for Fall

You’re getting ready to go back to school, or maybe you already have. You know it’s going to be different, but you’re not sure how different or what to expect. How can you as a parent help to prepare your child and set expectations that will provide the foundation to start the school year off on the right foot? Read more ›

Talking With Kids About Race: How to Promote Courageous Conversations

We see images and hear conversations about racial injustice almost every day. As a parent, you might find it easier to be silent or ignore, but it’s important to view these as opportunities to talk with your kids about what they are seeing and hearing.

How do you have those conversations with your kids? For each family, this conversation might look a bit different, depending on your own heritage and experience. Read more ›

Coming Out of Our COVID Caves: An Expert’s Guide to Re-Entry

For the past 15 months, we’ve been carefully following safety protocols, and strict mandates have helped inform our decisions. Now, as we come out of our COVID caves, the rules are more ambiguous and varying comfort levels collide. It can create a whole new wave of anxiety around what feels safe, especially when our precautions don’t match those around us.

In this Voices of Compassion podcast, CHC’s Dr. Vivien Keil, shares coping strategies for easing our family’s way back into the world with courage and compassion. Read more ›

Cultural Humility: Fostering Respect and Understanding

What is cultural humility and why does it matter? As parents, we are our children’s first teachers. It is from us that our kids learn how to be accepting and respectful of those from diverse backgrounds.

In this Voices of Compassion episode, Tony Cepeda, LMFT, Clinical Program Manager at CHC, will teach us how to listen and learn from our hearts. In the end, we may find that we have more similarities than differences. Read more ›

Trauma-Informed Parenting: Creating a Nurturing & Stable Home

As parents, we all want to create a safe, nurturing and stable home for our families. And the collective, cumulative trauma of the past year has made it harder than ever. So it makes sense that we might turn to trauma-informed parenting, often utilized by foster parents or those whose children have experienced trauma, for ideas. Read more ›

Considering Therapy for Your Child? How to Get Kids and Teens on Board

If your child or teen is struggling with communication, behavior or relationships, or no longer wants to participate in things that they used to enjoy, it may be time to seek help. How do you convince them that it’s time to take that step? And what can you expect when you get there?

In this Voices of Compassion podcast,  sat down with Dr. Vidya Krishnan, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services at CHC to find out. Read more ›

How to Connect With Your Teen: Communicating with Curiosity and Compassion

Parenting a teen can be challenging, especially in a pandemic. Our teens are struggling right now for many reasons, and parents are grappling with how to support them in a meaningful way. How can you be a sounding board for your teen and really connect with them without trying to fix the problem or seem dismissive?

In this Voices of Compassion podcast, Jennifer Leydecker, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Clinical Manager at CHC, shares her experience and expertise from years of working with teens. Read more ›

Framing Re-Entry for Our Youth: Supporting Our Kids’ Transition Back to ‘Normal’

Feeling anxious about coming out from behind your computer screen? You are not alone. According to the APA, nearly 50% of Americans say they feel anxious about getting back to ‘normal’ post-pandemic, enough for psychologists to coin the phrase “re-entry anxiety.”

Given that we haven’t interacted in-person without some degree of fear or uncertainty in over a year, the feeling is understandable. So how do we manage our anxiety and emerge from our COVID cocoons with confidence and compassion? Read more ›

Stress, Trauma & Grief: Raising Resilient Kids Through Hard Times

We’re experiencing what mental health experts call a “collective trauma”– overwhelm, isolation and the loss of what life used to be. Some have flourished during shelter-in-place and are anxious about re-entry. Others have lost so much that it feels like only thing left to hold onto is hope. Read more ›

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