This workshop for educators introduces multiple options for cultivating executive function skills within the framework of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Using subject-specific case studies, participants will develop plans that incorporate developmentally appropriate Executive Function strategies to increase student engagement, knowledge, and self-regulation.
Participants will leave with resources that can be used to further their skills in implementing student-focused strategies in the classroom.
Presented by Jude Wolf, EdD, Director of the Center for Learning Success, Kehillah Jewish High School and Founder Jude Wolf Educational Consulting.
View the slides:
Community Education Session for Educators: March 21, 2019
Watch the video:
Download the presentation handout: Executive Functioning for the K-5 classroom.
To schedule an evaluation or to get advice, call or email a CHC Care Coordinator at 650.688.3625 or CHC teletherapy services are available now.
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