Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, inspired by her own experiences as a neurodivergent person, is dedicated to destigmatizing neurodiversity and supporting neurodivergent people of all ages. Emily hosts The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores the psychological, educational, and social needs for enriching the lives of neurodivergent people.
The Neurodiversity Podcast is available from the podcast sources and directories you use most often, or you can listen on The Neurodiversity Podcast website.
Follow The Neurodiversity Podcast on Facebook to learn about upcoming topics and guests.
Emily Kirchner-Morris also wrote two books about neurodiversity— one for educators and one for parents and caregivers: Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today’s Classroom and Raising Twice-Exceptional children: A Handbook for Praents of Neurodivergent Kids. The books are available through online retailers and national booksellers.
Source: The Neurodiversity Podcast, https://neurodiversitypodcast.com | Retrieved June 2022

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