Did you know that 1 in 5 kids has a learning difference—and 40% of kids with learning differences (LD) also have a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression? Learn more about intersection of learning differences and anxiety and depression and the ways in which CHC can help.
A few more facts
- LDs affect a student’s ability to receive, process and/or communicate information, including emotions.
- LD kids also face stigma, self-doubt, shame and struggles in school.
- 40% of LD kids also have a mental health condition like anxiety or depression.
- 1/3 of LD kids also have ADHD.
- Up to 30% of students with ADHD also have a learning difference.
- Inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity compound stigma, self-doubt, shame and struggles in school.
- Over 60% of people with ADHD also have a mental health condition like anxiety or depression.
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Have questions? CHC can help. To schedule an evaluation or to get advice about your child’s challenges, call or email a CHC Care Coordinator at 650.688.3625 or careteam@testing.chconline.org