The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has created posters that employ a little gentle humor to convey important messages about the resources available to help young people who may be feeling anxious, sad, overwhelmed, or depressed.
There are nine posters in all, which may be downloaded here in a single PDF.
Educators: These are a great classroom resource!
Source: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Crisis Resources
For immediate assistance, the following resources are available 24/7 unless otherwise noted:
- Dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room or urgent care
- Lifeline Crisis Chat: Dial or text 988
- Santa Clara Crisis Line: 855.278.4204
- San Francisco Crisis Line: 415.781.0500
- Star Vista’s Crisis Hotline: 650.579.0350
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800.273.8255
- Uplift Mobile Crisis Team: 408.379.9085 / toll-free 877.412.7474
- Alum Rock Mobile Crisis: 408.294.0579
- OnYourMind Teen Chat (M-Th, 4:30-9:30 pm):
A screening can help you determine if you or someone you care about should contact a mental health professional. Care Coordinators can arrange a free 30 minute Care Consultation so you can explore options with an expert. Call or email our Care Coordinators at 650.688.3625 or to set up an initial Consultation appointment.